Let’s just jump right in here, Super Tuesday is March 3rd, 2020. California is voting early this year, so your vote matters! (wow, novel concept.)
Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. My main beef with Sanders is that he’s been hanging out with a bunch of leftist NIMBYs and is against housing developers which does not solve the problem of NEEDING MORE PHYSICAL HOUSING, and he tends to support local control which I see as a huge part of the reason we are in a housing crisis in the first place. He’s a big proponent of social/public housing, which yes, is part of the solution, but that doesn’t make it easier to build OTHER types of housing or say upzone places like Marin County, or Beverley Hills. Warren has the best actual housing plan out of all the candidates, which includes a plan to tackle historical housing discrimination. My own personal beef with Warren is her track record of flip flopping on Medicare for All, and her foreign policy leaves much to be desired. There is no perfect candidate for foreign policy, so if that’s your thing, Sanders might be your best bet as he has voted the least often to bomb the shit out of people (also, he hates AIPAC, so he gets bonus points for that). My original pick was Julian Castro, I am genuinely sad that he didn’t get farther on the campaign trail. He had the best policy for police reform, wanted to classify homeless people as a protected class, and actually gave a shit about indigenous people’s rights. He’s backing Warren now. If she takes the nomination and doesn’t pick him or Bernie as her VP then I will be severely disappointed.
Sanders and Warren both have good environmental policies, and Sanders supports The Green New Deal (though GND doesn’t mention fucking land use/sprawl and therefore won’t do nearly as much good as it could but that’s a topic for a whole other fucking day). If you’re just looking for someone to beat Trump, then Sanders is your best bet. He has the biggest base of supporters across the nation and offers an actual vision of what America could be instead of just “Trump sucks” as a platform. Warren from a policy perspective probably has the better plan to actually getting to a nationalized health care system, but either her of Sanders would be better than what we have currently.
GRANTED, TAKE ALL THIS SHIT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT because if the Dems don’t take back the goddamn Senate, everything will be stalled/a giant fight for the next 4 years.
Here’s some shit to learn more:
Oh, if you vote for Bloomberg, please never talk to me again. That guy is a legit monster. Google the shit he’s said about women and minorities. He’s a piece of shit. He broke up Occupy Wall Street and enacted the disastrous policy of Stop-and-Frisk in New York. He’s garbage, and that’s where he needs to be thrown.
State: California
Prop 13: Yes. Our schools desperately need funding to make them less terrible. Do you know how expensive construction is in CA? It’s horrific. Our school infrastructure is old, crumbling, and in poor neighborhoods, has lead in the water and asbestos. We need this bill.
County: Alameda
Measure C: Yes. It requires an independent audit every few years, and the board running it would have a decent number of diverse voices. It’s also not a huge tax increase, and the money is going to have to come from somewhere. It’s a step in the right direction to providing child care workers a living wage too.
Congress 13th District: Barbara Lee
18th Assembly District: Rob Bonta
9th State Senate District: Nancy Skinner
Supieror Court Judge, Office #2: Elena Condes- She run the East Bay De La Raza Lawyers Association she has an amazing track record on criminal justice reform. A good pick.
Supervisor, District 4: Nate Miley, because his competition is…a total unknown.
18th Assembly District County Central Committee:
Victor Aguilar
Andrea Luna Bocanegra
Howard Egerman
Henry Gage III
Iris Merriouns
Jose Carlos Moreno
Pamela Price
Royl Roberts
Austin Tam
Marchon Tatmon
And go ahead and throw in Corina Lopez too.
City: Oakland
Measure Q: This one is a doozy. I’m really torn on this one. On one hand, yes I want to support our parks and recreation facilities. This measure has clear deliverables and expenditures for this purpose. The problem is that they tacked on a bunch of buzzword filled unclear deliverables to tackle homelessness as well. Oaklnad has a trash record of handling homelessness, and I don’t know if this bill would even get the 2/3rds majority it needs in order to pass anyway. If it doesn’t the city might be looking at the same fucking shit that went down with Measure AA and then nothing good happens. I want to support our parks, and help folks with homelessness, but I don’t think this bill is the right one for it, despite a lot of good people and organizations backing it. Vote either Y or N, they both suck.
Measure R: Yes, it’s nice to see a law trying to actually keep up with the changing media landscape. None of our local newspapers meet the current requirements, so shit needs to adjust.
Measure S: Yes, for fucks sake YES the City should be able to spend the goddamn money it gets from tax measures that have been approved by voters!!!! HOW FUCKING STUPID IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN???? This is the stupidest fucking thing! “Oh no, we made more money from taxes than the Appropriations Limit says we can spend, guess we just…won’t fund the services the money is supposed to go towards funding???” WTF, who the fuck even voted for Prop 4 and Prop 111 back in 1979/1986??? Jesus H Christ this is why people hate Government. Please vote Yes on S so Oakland can spend the fucking money it gets from taxes on the fucking services it is supposed to be spent on.