Fox News


Fox News, aka Fox News Channel (FNC) is an American cable and satellite tv news company launched in 1996. They are owned by Fox Entertainment Corporation, a subsidiary to 21st Century Fox, sister company of News Corporation. It broadcasts worldwide and is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a media mogul. It was headed by the now deceased Roger Ailes (a former Republican Party media consultant for Nixon, Reagan, Bush Senior and Rudy Guiliani).

It is the most watched news channel in America. It has an XM and Sirius Satellite radio presence and shows up to 17 hours of live broadcasting a day. It has at least 39 different programs, and 149 On Air Personalities. They have a radio presence, major website, and also run the Fox Business Network which is available in more than 80 million American households and delivers "real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street." (Fox News Careers) FNC also operates Fox News Radio which is "a 24/7 news service reaching more than 34 million listeners a week on over 1,250 affiliated radio stations. The network features a comprehensive hourly five-minute newscast along with one-minute newscasts, business updates and breaking-news coverage." Their website is

In 2016, sexual harassment allegations against Ailes were thrown into the spotlight as he was sued by Gretchen Carlson, a Fox News Anchor. That opened the floodgates for other sexual harassment claims and evidence of cover-ups and settlements came to light. Roger Ailes was thrown out, as well as his second-in-command, Co-President Bill Shine. A little less than a year later, The New York Times released an article revealing that top Fox talk show host Bill O'Reilly had been accused of sexual harassment and had settled out of court with at least five women for a sum of over $13 million. This escalated further with popular then Fox News Anchor Megan Kelly coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment from Ailes and O'Reilly. Rupert Murdoch has placed Jack Abernathy in charge and there has been a massive shake up in staffing that has left Fox reeling.


Market Share

Worth: $10.4 billion, $15.5 billion in sales. They place #56 on the Forbes 500 list. Parent company 21st Century Fox is worth $28.5 billion. The image below is a snapshot of 21st Century Fox's market profile as on 01/08/2018. You can check out their SEC filings here and their MorningStar profile here

Image Credit: Market Watch

Ad Sponsorship

$8, 286 per 30 seconds of ad time. In comparison, CNN makes $5,122. MSNBC $3,139. 

Political Donations

You can read the Open Secrets profile on News Corp here. 21st Century Fox has a PAC, and you can check it out here.


Audience Views

According to a survey by Pew Research Center, FNC is watched by up to 39% of survey respondents a week, and while it draws a wide proportion of it's audience from across the ideological spectrum, it's overall audience skews more conservative. Conservatives make up 46% of it's audience vs. 26% of all survey respondents.

Image credit: Pew Research Center


The demographics of Fox News are unknown, however Fox News is currently facing more than eleven high profile sexual harassment lawsuits and racial discrimination lawsuits.


You can read up on all their controversies here, but the most notable ones allege conservative or right leaning bias, sexual harassment, and racial discrimination.

CSR Rating

Fox Entertainment/Fox News Channel has no publicly listed policies regarding Corporate Social Responsibility. 21st Century has a section dedicated to it on their website that you can check out here up on their website. They have a rating of 49 out of 100 on CSR Hub.



Fox News Channel is owned by Fox Entertainment Group which is owned by 21st Century Fox, a sister company to News Corporation, of which both are owned by the worlds largest media mogul, Rupert Murdoch and his sons.

Rupert Murdoch, Founder/Owner

Jack Abernethy, Co-President

Suzanne Scott, President, Programming and Development

Marianne Gambelli, President, Advertising Sales

Sharri Berg, Senior Vice President, News Operations

Kevin Lord, Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Head of Compliance

Jay Wallace, President, News

Amy Listerman, Chief Financial Officer

Dianne Brandi (Has voluntarily left as of 10/6/2017, no replacement yet.) Executive Vice President, Legal and Business Affairs

Irena Briganti, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications

Journalistic Ethics

Fox News Channel itself has no public facing journalist ethics or guidelines page. They also do not make publicly available their company policies regarding corporate governance. 21st Century Fox has a corporate governance section, but it is unknown if Fox Entertainment adheres to the same rules.



15 offices, between 12500 employees. They do not specify. Their offices are located in: New York (Headquarters), Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Jerusalem, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C..

Readership/viewers number

Fox News is available in 94,700,000 US households. 81.4% of cable, satellite and Telco customers receive Fox News. In 2017, they averaged 1.4 million total viewers and 2.2 million during prime time. They claim to be the most watched news channel in the US for more than 14 years.

Fox news is broadcast in 56 other countries including the UK, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, Pakistan, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Israel, South Africa, the Philippines, and Italy.

Type of company


Politifact Rating

60% of statements made by Fox News Anchors are in the false category as rated by Politifact.

Awards won

FNC has not won any awards for journalistic excellence.
